Monday, August 27, 2007

Red Bull Bought Out AEG, A While Ago

The Red Bull buyout of AEG's stake in Red Bull Park is a done deal according to Ives.

"Red Bull buyout of AEG update?
The mayor of Harrison said it was in the works, how close is it?
IVES- It already happened. For some reason Red Bull is keeping mum about it but it's happened a while ago."

"With the Red Bulls buying out AEG, anything is possible as far as the stadium is concerned."

So apparently Red Bull didn't find it necessary to spread the word. Interesting to see the effects that come from this. One thing I am looking forward to is the effect this will probably have on Red Bull's bottom line, as they will now reap total benefits from all games and other events held at the Park I would imagine.

The AEG Red Bull Park website is still up, and there is no new, Red Bull's only site. I would imagine the brass will release a new timeline soon, as De Grandpre said he hoped would happen after he announced the delay to 2009.

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